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Monday, October 24, 2005


Krystal Progress

Project Krystal is coming on and making very good progress. We now have a homepage system, a news system with image upload features (now that is pretty cool) and soon to be a product inventory system and feature page system.

This project is finally going somewhere - I just wish that I could be more sure of what the final design will look like than the current 'retro' look I put together for the Alpha build, while I build. I might build a better UI for the Beta, but for now, it has to look pretty terrible.

I will be away from Tuesday - Thursday this week, so there will be no more blog entries for a while , but I'll keep you posted (no pun intended) with the dev news as soon as I get back.

And I'm downloading the 5th and final CD of SUSE 10 right now, so I should be able to do that too. I booted into YaST just to have a look, and it looks great.

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